Doing this education thing has been great but the more I discuss and talk with educators especially the young ones I am concerned we are lacking solid boundaries. The need for educators to take a look at themselves and the time they put in over and above.
My feeling is we are reaching a point where we are losing many excellent young educators due to the subtle but ever present pressure applied by systems used within administration in our schools.
The implementation processes of many things, eg Technology and Australian Curricula to mention two! There are of course many more.
These implementation procedures have in my opinion failed across many schools due to the lack of time and feedback opportunities for actual classroom teachers to engage with these programs and then give accurate and concise feedback to implementer.
So where has this left us, again in a place where educators do everything they can for the students in front of them with the skill set they have.
The thing I see as most scary is that teachers are thinking they are doing the best possible, but as they have little ability to collaborate due to out dated building design they are doing identical things in their classrooms and are unaware!
Building design and furnishings in buildings of our educational institutions needs to change to allow collaborative spaces for learners both teacher and student to do their best work utilising 21st century technology. This saves teachers time in their lives with their families and loved ones!