I my last few years I have spent a lot of time reading lots of different strategies from lots of different places in the world. Something I have noticed is there is a growing number of strategies for sale for school/educators to bolster the classroom structure. $$$'s flow out of schools to these Strategy Builder's for their knowledge about how relationships work.
I want to share what I have learnt,
• People don't like being let down.
•The more you get let down the less you trust.
•Trust is a "need" in the classroom.
•Trust is earned.
•Earning trust takes time
•I have many more tasks every year due to these strategies therefore the less time I have to earn trust.
I see a pattern, far be it for me a simple teacher to say "let's get back to basics" but at some point maybe we need to.
Advice for young teachers is build that trust. Advice for Senior teachers continue to work on that trust. Advice for administrators the biggest gift you can give your teachers is time and the trust that they will use it well! Remember your teachers are kids at heart and they want your trust too!