One of my favourite #'s is having a conversation on "research" tonight and I found myself wondering what it was. Research in my opinion is the determination of new fact or opinion from multiple sources of data or sourced opinion. It needs to give a answer.
But when it is applied to education and learning I feel this becomes a little different, especially when dealing with youth. The word "art" comes into play and this implies feelings and emotions and they are not either fact or opinion from multiple sources.
This is a reaction of one educated professional adult based on their experiences that leads them to react to a set stimuli in a particular way. This then creates a set of hopefully positive behavioural reactions to occur and thus quality learning for a child.
I worry that by the time the research is done the reaction will be to late! The 21st century moves very fast and education has historically adapted poorly to change, and it is this cycle we need to look hardest at?
The "research" maybe is needed not in the learning bit, but in the systems education uses to stay current to the generation that it is educating!