The 25 years of my life I have been working as a teacher much of that time I have spent in the domain of "intellect" believing to my core that all things came from this point and that everything could be explained by decisions or choices made in that domain.
11 years ago I had children and found myself in a emotional place that I had not truly understood. I loved my wife and felt extremely defensive of her and myself many times but suddenly something was different.
It has taken me much research and many hours to understand that "there are some things about our body we cannot control" we simple need to recognise and seriously avoid if we can.
The Amydala a part of the brain which just does what it does with no regret for anything else. So I am learning stuff I wish I learnt at university, how to better understand me? What are my triggers? What should I do when one gets triggered? What are the effects on those around me when this happens?
These are fast becoming the kinds of discussions had in my classroom on a daily basis! What I find interesting in all this is that my students are so massively interested in my inability to control certain aspects of me. They then begin to ask questions about themselves and share their stories with their peers!
Emotionally healthy classroom is such a beautiful foundation to build everything else upon!
Reflections upon 😂😡😍😐😟😠😰😩